

Let’s talk a little about discernment.

  1. the ability to judge well

This past week has been an eye opener. It started off by realising I had left an offering of coffee on Loki’s altar for a few days. Then the flood. And other little things falling apart adding to the stress of it all.

A concerned friend commented on all this, suggesting that the flood and what not was as a result from the spoiled coffee left on the altar.

Ummm. NO. Not at all.

Loki wasn’t happy, no deity would be. But, before one assumes ‘this is punishment from Them’…take a good hard look at the circumstances surrounding the bad luck and see if a more plausible answer appears.

I’m going on 6 months pregnant. I chase a 4 year old. I have many health issues that are unmedicated right now, due to being pregnant. Exhausted doesn’t cut it for how I’ve been feeling as of lately. I love cooler weather, the dog days of summer sap my energy. I had a bout of heatstroke, followed by days of not sleeping with sciatic pain, back pain, and restless leg syndrome. I have no help during the day. Annnd I’m still coping with the death of my mother.

So. All these things and more combined…it is NO wonder I left the tap on slightly and flooded our basement. If my arthritis hadn’t flared up when it did, I would have discovered the flood sooner. But, had to wait 2 days until it was safe to walk down the stairs to the basement, and that is how I discovered the flood.

The Gods and Goddesses are very much a part of our lives. Sometimes They have a direct hand in matters, but a lot of the time it really is just circumstance. More people can benefit from taking a look at all the signs they see, with a more discerning eye. I’m not discrediting anyone. What I AM doing, is putting a stop to potential fear mongering (because if you’re an anxious person, and you get an idea you’ve insulted the gods in a way, you WILL create a situation that was never there before). Our thoughts are incredibly powerful. They make or break our reality.

I apologised to Him and set things right in that regard. And knowing just how tired I am, I’m going to slow down with my projects, and double check the things that I do. To prevent future mishaps and embarrassments.

2 responses »

  1. The flood as a result from the coffee left on the altar? I dare to say the person doesn’t know Loki well, or has some really bad experience with Him.
    If Loki would be very, very, very unhappy about offering left on altar too long, He would make you clean His altar. But, honestly, I don’t think He would do even this to pregnant woman.
    Summer time while pregnant must be hard, take good care of yourself!

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